Yogurt Saffron Tahdig


1.5(?) cup long-grain basmati rice
1/2 cup plain  yogurt
1 teaspoon kosher salt
1/8 teaspoon crushed saffron threads
1 tablespoons unsalted butter
2 teaspoons canola oil

1. Cook 2 (rice cooker sized cups) of jasmine rice in rice cooker, using a little less (25% less) water than normal
2. Mix saffron in morter, then add salt. Rise with water to get all out
3. Add to yogurt and mix
4. Add rice to yogurt micture and mix
5. Heat butter and oil in large frying pan with lid
6. Turn to medium heat, add rice, cover
7. Cook at medium for 10 minutes
8. Turn down to low and let steam for 30 min more

Adapted from here: https://www.myrecipes.com/recipe/tah-dig-persian-rice

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