Ginger Sesame Cabbage Pasta

 Ginger Sesame Cabbage Pasta

New: April 2024


1 thumb of ginger, sliced

1 head of napa cabbage, thinly sliced

Chicken powder

Soy Sauce

2 eggs, lightly beaten

Sesame oil

1/2 lb of pasta

1. Start boiling salted water for pasta

2. Add slices of ginger to a hot frying pan

3. Add white parts of thin sliced cabbage, cook for a little, then add the rest of the cabbage and turn heat down to medium low

4. Boil pasta, turn cabbage heat to low if you have to wait

5. Add chicken powder and soy sauce to cabbage

6. Add in hot noodles and let some starch water come too

7. slowly pour in beaten egg with constant mixing

8. Add sesame oil to taste

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