Kimchi Fried Rice 김치볶음밥


Kimchi Fried Rice
new: December 2022


4 bowls steamed rice (2 cups dry) (one full rice cooker-- day old better, but if new, cook with a little less water and open top to release steam and cool as soon as it's done cooking)
1 cup chopped kimchi (should be aged, well-fermented and sour)
¼ cup kimchi juice (spicy red juice from a jar of kimchi.. if not enough add more water and gochujang)
¼ cup water (don't skip! the rice will get dry and stick
3 tablespoons gochujang
2-3 teaspoons toasted sesame oil
1 teaspoon vegetable oil
1 bunch green onion, chopped and separated into white + green
1 tablespoon roasted sesame seeds
Sheet of roasted seaweed (gum) cut into rectangles
4-6 fried eggs

1. Heat up wok with vegetable oil.
2. Add white parts of green onion, stir fry for 1-2 min over high heat
3. Add the kimchi and stir fry for 1 minute over medium-high heat
4. Add rice, kimchi juice, sesame seeds, water, and gochujang. 
5. Add half of green parts of green onion, stir all the ingredients together for about 7 minutes with a wooden spoon.
6. Add sesame oil and remove from the heat.
7. Add fried eggs to top
8. Garnish generously with raw green onion and more sesame seeds
9. If desired, wrap in a seaweed rectangle like a taco bite.

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