Ice Cream

Adapted from Ben & Jerry Basic Recipe with addition of pasteurization.

2 eggs
3⁄4 cup sugar
2 cups heavy whipping cream (or regular whipping cream)
1 cup milk
2 tablespoons vanilla extract

If pasteurizing:
Mix the cream and milk together and heat over medium-low heat.
While that’s heating, use an electric mixer and beat the eggs in a separate bowl, until they turn lighter in color.
Slowly add the sugar while whisking the eggs. I usually use an electric mixer in one hand and then use the other hand to pour the sugar in a little bit at a time. When it’s all in there, mix it a minute or so more.
When the cream/milk mix reaches about 140° F (60° C), remove it from the heat. While whisking the egg/sugar mix, slowly add small amounts of the cream/milk mix until about a third of the cream and milk have been added. (This is called “tempering”, and prevents the eggs from being scrambled in the high heat.) Then pour in the rest of the cream and milk and mix it all together.
Then continue heating it to kill anything that shouldn’t be in there. Heating the mix also gives the ice cream a “cooked” flavor, like the taste of warm milk. Heat the mix over medium-low heat, stirring frequently, until it reaches 175° F (79° C) and hold it there for at least 25 seconds (the FDA’s official requirement for pasteurization).
Strain the mix into a container and let it cool for a bit before adding extracts that might evaporate. Add a teaspoon of pure vanilla extract, pure peppermint extract, or ground cinnamon (I like Saigon cinnamon because of its strong flavor) at this point to make those easy flavors.
Chill the mix until it’s below 40° F (5° C). This is important, because the mix needs to be chilled before it’s run through the machine, so it freezes faster. The faster the mix freezes, the smaller the ice crystals will be, and the smoother the texture. You can chill it covered in the fridge, or if you’re in a hurry, either stir the mix in a metal bowl that’s inside another metal bowl containing ice water, or use my latest favorite method and put the mix in a zip-top plastic bag and then dunk that in a bowl of ice water.

In KitchenAid with attachment:
Assemble and engage freeze bowl, dasher, and drive
assembly as directed in attachment instructions. Turn to STIR
(Speed 1). Using a container with a spout, pour mixture
into freeze bowl. Continue on STIR (Speed 1) for 15 to 20
minutes or until desired consistency. Immediately transfer ice
cream into serving dishes, or freeze in airtight container.
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