Salmon Lasagne

Lasagna pasta
2-3 leeks
3/4 L of milk
1 big spoon of floor (soup spoon)

Fondue de poireaux (Leeks)
Prepare the leeks by removing 3/4 of the green part, splitting them in halves et washing extensively with water. Slice them thinly et add them n a pot into which some butter has been melted. Add salt and black pepper. Keep with low heat et covered with a life) for 10-15 min, as desired. Set aside.

Sauce blanche (white sauce)
Melt 20g of butter in a to with low heat and add the floor while stirring. Add progressively the milk while stirring as well. Keep going until it start boiling. Set aside.

In a pot, bring water to boiling and add the salmon. Let it cook 5-10 min depending on the thickness of the pieces (the central part should be pink and more red). Remove the salmon from the water and let it coll down a little bit. Thinly slice it with the fingers.

In the lasagna pot, prepare one layer of pasta, one layer of leeks, one layer of salmon. Add some white sauce. Repeat to generate 3 floors.

Put into the oven and cover. Cook for 45 min.
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